Web Site

The web site is now live at www.vedamatics.com

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Executive summary

VedaMatics is an educational website which teaches Vedic Math to students as well as professionals who use math in their daily life and also to anyone else interested in this quick way to calculate without ever needing to use a machine. The website development has been divided in to three stages, Phase 1 of which is my thesis. Phase 1 will consist of Beginner tutorials, about and history video, sutras definition and quizzes. A one-question quiz is also integrated into the tutorials to increase the learning curve of users.

The audience is primarily students, teachers, professional like accountants and Math enthusiasts.

During Spring 2010 I took the User Experience class and worked on creating the target audience, user profiles, mind maps and wireframes. During Summer 2010 I worked on the visual design and did usability testing on the mockups. In Fall 2010 I started to develop the project in Flash and ActionScript 3.0. This semester I have taken one more scripting class to finish the coding and this user experience class to refine the project with more usability testing and respective iterations.

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