| Stakeholder | Situation | Need | Feature/Solution |
B | Adult | Interested in learning more about Vedic Math. | to find a self paced learning tool so that he/she can invest time whenever they can. | Self paced Vedic Math tutorials |
B | Math teacher | Wants to introduce Vedic Math in the school curriculum. | to show a few examples to the committe members of how Vedic Math works. | Online portal with Vedic Math examples |
B | Parent | Has heard about Vedic Math and wants to teach the children. | The children seem to be almost afraid of Math and the parent wants them to see it can be very easy. | E-learning web site for Vedic Math |
B | Math teacher | User has students in his/her class who do not like Math and find it very difficult. | Wants ready tutorials which he can show to his class. | E-learning we site for Vedic Math |
B | Enthusiastic Parent | User has children studying in school and knows that Vedic Math makes calculations easier. | needs a place to learn and understand before he/she can teach it to their children. | E-learning website for Vedic Math |
B | Person who is new to Vedic Math | User has heard about Vedic Math and wants to learn more. | Needs tutorials which are not too complicated or intimidating. | E-learning website with beginner's tutorials |
B | Accountant | Uses Math in daily life. | needs to learn Vedic Math so has to find easier and faster ways to calculate mentally. | E-learning web site for Vedic math |
B | Store Cashier | The machine broke down once and user had to wait till he/she got a calculator. | needs to be able to calculate mentally and with speed if ever the situation arises again. | Vedic Math tutorials |
B | Peron who loves to shop during sales | Is at a Macy's store during their one day sale. | needs to calculate the discounts mentally without having to juggle between the clothes and a calculator. | Vedic Math tutorials |
B | Math enthusiast | always looking for new and creative ways to solve math | new ideas or easier fun wyas to solve mah | Vedic Math website |
B | Parent | School has intoruduced Vedic Math in the syllabus | needs to be able to help child in completing homework | Vedic Math tutorials |
B | Architect | has to calculate specification amounts at the site | needs to learn to calculate mentlly and quickly | Vedic Math tutorials |
B | Artist | always sits quietly and avoids any conversations where someone might mentally calculate the total of movie tickets | needs to learn easy mental math | Vedic Math tutorials |
B | Grad student | has always disliked math because it feels difficult but now needs it for a class | needs to learn math solving in an easy way | Vedic Math tutorials |
B | School principal | heard about Vecic Math during a conversation with someone | needs to find out more about what Vedic Math is | Vedic Math web site |
B | School principal | wants to introduce Vedic math because other schools have started to do so but has no idea what it is and how it works. | needs to find easily what the subject is all about | Vedic Math web site |
B | Vedic Math pro | flaunts his/her skills at a gathering and is asked if they have a link or something which beginners could look at | needs to know a reliable and free web site that he can pass on to others to try | Vedic Math web site |
B | Person who stumbled across a vedic math tutorial on youtube | is very interested to learn more | needs to find a site that teaches Vedic Math | Vedic Math web site |
| | | | |
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