Web Site

The web site is now live at www.vedamatics.com

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Site Design Wireframes

28 April 2010

Clicking on login will open up this lightbox where a user can login with a Vedamatics ID or even an openID. User has option to register from same window/screen.

Clicking on Register will open up this lightbox where a user can register a Vedamatics ID or even an openID. User has option to login from the same window/ screen.

The Homepage gives a brief intro to Vedic Math and How it works along with an animation about Vedic Math and how to start learning.

The History page will feature a short video about the history of Vedic Math.

The tutorials will have three phases,for the purposes of the thesis I will concentrate only on the Beginner section. The user can see a brief overview about interacting with the tutorial.

The other two sections (Intermediate and Expert) will give users information about when they will be completed.

The Quiz allows a user to select from two main options - Timed and Relaxed. Timed will be a one minute session where a user has to answer as many questions as possible and relaxed is where a user is not restrained by time.

Users will see a question and four options to choose from for the answer. Score will be on the top left corner and hints on the lower left corner. For a timed quiz, users will see a countdown timer on the upper left corner.

Selecting an answer will outline the correct answer with green and rest of the wrong answers with a red border. The next question will automatically appear after 1 second.

7 April 2010


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