Web Site

The web site is now live at www.vedamatics.com

Monday, March 7, 2011


Walkthrough with Melissa - she liked the overall working of the interface and had a few minor cosmetic suggestions such as showing faint lines for the progress bar and a few problems that she found in the text.
I have fixed those.
Walkthrough with DH - "This is cool" is what he said :) He pointed out that the list of tutorials that showed up in the pop up did not not have a title (Beginner.)

As per suggestions, I have worked out a landing page which shows things like about, credits and contact. I just have to finish coding that into the file. I have finished setting up the domain for vedamatics at www.vedamatics.om, so that I can upload the project there as and how it progresses. 

Currently I am working on the code for remembering the last viewed tutorial and fixing it all up to make sure all files are linked.

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