Web Site

The web site is now live at www.vedamatics.com

Monday, February 14, 2011

Usability Test Plan

Usability Test Plan

I plan to test the web site every Friday for the next 3 – 4 weeks. Testing on a Friday will give me enough time to make changes in the design and test again the next week. I will do most or all of my testing remotely, which is reflected in my testing script. After that I will focus on completing any other parts that might be left in the development. Once that is over I will go through another set of testing sessions.

Usability Test Goals
There are three main usability test goals:

• Performance -- How much time, and how many steps, are required for people to complete basic tasks?
• Accuracy -- How many mistakes did people make? (And were they fatal or recoverable with the right information?)
• Emotional response -- How does the person feel about the tasks completed? Is the person confident, stressed? Would the user recommend this system to a friend.

Statement of Informed Consent

Interaction Designer Rutu Upadhyaya from Academy of Art San Francisco is conducting feedback sessions of user interface components and other deliverables for the VedaMatics Project.

The VedaMatics project is an e-learning website teaching users how to learn Vedic Math. There are no benefits to you for participating other than perhaps helping to improve the user experience of these community source project. We hope that the research will benefit anyone using the VedaMatics’ free components or other deliverables.

All of the information from your session will be kept confidential. After the research is completed, we may save the notes for future use by us, but your name will not be published.
Your participation in this research is voluntary, and you are free to refuse to participate or quit the interview and observation session at any time.

If you have questions about the research, you may contact:


You may keep a copy for your reference.
The details of this study were explained to me and I have read the above project description. I agree with the terms and hereby consent to participate in the study.

Participant Signature: ________________________

Participant Name (please print):

Date: ___________________________________

Video Release Form

I agree to participate in the study conducted and recorded by Rutu Upadhyaya.

I understand and consent to the use and release of the recording by Rutu Upadhyaya. I understand that the information and video is for research purposes only and that my name and image will not be used for any other purpose. I relinquish any rights to the video and understand the video may be copied and used by Rutu Upadhyaya without further permission.

I understand that I can leave at any time.

I agree to immediately raise any concerns or areas of discomfort with the study administrator.

Your Signature: __________________________
Date: ____/____/____ (mm/dd/yy)

Thank you!
We appreciate your participation

Facilitator’s Instructions

Thank you for helping us test our design of a Vedic Math web site. The purpose of this usability test is to identify problems and improve our design. We want you to know that we are in no way trying to test or analyze you or your knowledge of Math. We are only testing our design.
I shall walk you through the testing process and will answer any questions that you may have.

Testing process
This is phase 1 of the web site. Since the web site is still in development stage, not everything might work just yet. We would like you to think aloud every action that you are carrying out, for instance if you are going to press the menu button, then say “I will press the menu button, because this is where I think I will find the menu”. This is only so that we can see and understand your thinking process while you use our design.

It will take about 30 minutes to do the entire test, which will consist of 6 tasks. If you need to take a break in between or have any questions please let us know. I might not be able to answer all your questions immediately as we want to see how someone uses the site without any help. Once again we would like to state that we are not testing you in any way nor are we testing your knowledge of Math, we are only here to test our design.

In order to see what you’re looking at and interacting with, we will ask you to share your screen, so if you have any sensitive or personal information such as email, bank accounts etc. open, please close it before sharing your screen.

Do you feel that the instructions were clear?

Thank you, we can now begin our testing process.


You heard about Vedic Math through some friends, came home, did a google search and landed on this site. I would like you to briefly explore the site and find out more information about what Vedic Math is.

You want to read and learn more about the sutras. I would like you to read about at least one sutra.

You find the concept intriguing and want to know how Vedic Math began and what it’s origins are. Please find this information.

Now that you have figured out the history of Vedic Math, I would like you to learn to solve at least three Math problems.

Great! Now could you find which sutra applies to this tutorial?

You are not sure which tutorials you have completed and you want to find this information. Please find a list of tutorials.

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