Web Site

The web site is now live at www.vedamatics.com

Monday, January 31, 2011

Week 01

What my project is?

Vedamatics is a web site that will help students and math enthusiasts understand what  the ancient India method of calculations is and how it is beneficial. This project aims to make it easier for users to not only learn but also remember the calculations easily by integrating quizzes with the tutorials.


I want this project to be a benchmark to create simple e-learning solutions by addressing the basic issues of studying online. The project will not only be usable but also designed and executed in a timely manner. Eventually I hope this will help me to succeed in the usability field specifically designing for education and understanding what makes a user want to learn online and how design can help them achieve that goal in the easiest possible manner.

Elevator Pitch (why my project is cool in 3 sentences)

Vedic Mathematics is a subject that is gaining momentum not only by Math enthusiasts but also by schools.
This project is a one of it’s kind learning environment for studying Math online.
This project will eventually grow to be a one stop place for anyone wanting to know about Vedic Math, from tutorials, quizzes, history to books to read and conferences held all over the world.

Everything that needs to be done in the project

Create click through prototype

Landing Page
Create intro questionnaire
Link the intro buttons correctly

10 tutorials
5 tutorials completed - revisit and refine if needed
5 tutorials - create from template
3 integrated quizzes - done
5 integrated quizzes - edit xml file
Create progress fill for tutorials completed

16 sutras (formulae) - text only
2 sutras - added
14 sutras - type out text
Fix number slider to add more numbers

Motion graphics video
1 video - edit and place in flash
1 video - create

Feature - remembering last visited tutorial
use local shared objects to create or use another better solution (sign in)

Timed Quiz
Load into main flash file
Quiz buttons and xml file ready
Create timer progress bar
Create score graph
Create levels

Relaxed Quiz
Create from timed quiz without timer

Usability Testing
At least 4-5 sessions with 3 users each time
Refine design after each session and test again

Create list of content
Collect all content
Create draft
Design Book
Refine draft into design of book
Finalize and proof read
Ask someone else to proof read

Create list of content
Collect all content
Create draft
Design presentation slides
Refine draft
Finalize and proof read
Ask someone else to proof read

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