Web Site

The web site is now live at www.vedamatics.com

Friday, September 10, 2010

Project Brief

VedaMatics is a web site that teaches Vedic Math to users. Vedic Math is an ancient India Style of calculations based on a set of 16 formulas (sutras), which make it easy to solve even complex problems.

Everyday we get closer to newer breakthroughs in technology making us more dependant on machines to do our work for us. We need to exercise our brains; Vedic Math helps to do just that by using the left and right side of our brain. Moreover, Math is greatly feared by many. This project aims to bring the ease of Vedic Math to everyone so that people will stop turning away from Math.

VedaMatics will start small but grow into a full reference guide for anything related to Vedic Mathematics. The development of the web site will be split into 3 phases-
Phase 1 – Beginner
Phase 2 – Intermediate
Phase 3 – Expert
The main aim of the web site will not only be to teach users Vedic Math but also test their knowledge of Math and help them compare how much faster they can solve Math problems.

Key Assumptions
  • Users are familiar with using the internet and with basic tasks of registering and logging in.
  • Users know multiplication tables till 9.
  • Users can add and subtract.

Key Milestone dates
  • Spring 2010: User research and wireframing
  • Summer 2010: Visual Design and layout
  • Fall 2010: Tutorial animations and quiz
  • Spring 2011: coding and final

Current Status of Project
The user research and the requirements analysis has been done for this project. Most pages have been visually designed in Photoshop and others can be built on the same color / style guidelines.

Directed Study Goals
  • Iron out any complexities / problems that might be left in the UI.
  • Create tutorials which are adequately paced (not too fast or too slow).
  • Get feedback on design and consistency of tutorials and interaction of the web site.

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