Web Site

The web site is now live at www.vedamatics.com

Friday, September 3, 2010

Final project assessment

Strength of concept: Is your concept sufficient for delivering a strong Final
Project? Does it allow room for creative expression? Will it allow you to improve
your production skills?
My project is mainly divided into two main sections – tutorials and the quiz section. Tutorials are also flash animations showing how to calculate. The quiz section is integration between flash and XML, which is used for storing the questions.

b) Design Process: Has your design process been sufficient to elucidate your
idea? Have you developed your concept well? Do your design elements reflect
the core ideas and actors of your original plan?
After having taken Usability principles in Spring 10 and Visual design last semester, I feel like I have the design set for the most parts, however I am open to suggestions on how the system works.

c) Usability and Interactivity: Assess the user interaction within your project. Have
you clearly outlined the user's goals? Can the user accomplish these goals in a
reasonable fashion, with an expected outcome? Is your system responsive to the
user's actions? Is navigation clearly marked and well organized?
Having taken usability principles in Spring 10, I have gone through many paper prototypes, and eventually wireframes based on research / studies of target users and their goals on this web site.

d) Code assessment: Is your code well organized? Are your functions well named
and their purpose transparent? Will you be able to return to your code one year
from now and understand your scripts immediately? Do you have any errors
which need resolution?
I am yet to begin coding. For the purposes of this GDS I will concentrate only on the quiz section of the website and eventually integrate it with the rest of the site which I am building in another Directed Study along with the tutorials.

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