Web Site

The web site is now live at www.vedamatics.com

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Project Summary

The project will be an educational website which teaches Vedic Math to students as well as professionals who use math in their daily life and also to anyone else interested in this quick way to calculate without ever needing to use a machine. The website will also serve as a portal to challenge users with games.

The audience is primarily students, teachers, professional like accountants and people interested in Math.

Tutorials will be flash based and will require basic flash animation. The games will require ActionScript 3.0 coding and XML. I have already tried to experiment with this by creating a basic game, which still has a few bugs that I need to sort out. Once the framework of the game code is done then I can recreate more games based on that. 

The project design will be a traditional Indian style, to help with this I have taken - Making ideas visible class in which I plan to select my 13 week project as Indian art, It is supposed to be a big book which includes a collage of art that we create, colors, and photographs. This will act more like a mood book for the project look and feel.

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